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Worthy, Divine and Feminine

Why has the Feminine aspect of our being been pushed aside and even distorted in the world today? 

Without a strong connection to Creator/Source/God, which is readily available within every soul who exists as a human, we tend to operate in the very masculine energy of self-serving gratification promoted in society. We lack the internal balance of feminine energy that provides us endless creativity and the ability to develop and utilize emotional intelligence. We function as a diminished being, void of direction and integration of our multi-dimensionality.  We become weak, hardened, bitter, lackluster, and often ill willed in our human lives.  We seek personal gratification and coping mechanisms in spite of facing our demons and learning from them.  Innerstanding is developed, discernment is gained, creativity is replenished, and manifestation becomes possible when we pause in our life to find deeper meaning. Essentially, faith in something larger than ourself allowing us to develop courage, and pause in reactionary moments to look at our experience as an observer of the experience, rather than the experience itself. 

WE ARE worthy, we have been told this time and time again, and we’ve also lived in a world of chaos, division and hate.  All we need to do is re-member and embrace our worthiness.

Enjoy and be inspired by a re-collection of my journey, “SHE.”

Goddess of Mother Earth 12″ x 24″


SHE   Is born out of darkness into earthly awareness.  In an instant given her place in the hierarchy of humanity, decided upon by outside forces until she recovers her crown and establishes her roots.

SHE   Holds an imprint of the generations that walked before her.  An image written in her DNA, of past lifetimes and contracts.  As she travels her journey her beauty is slowly revealed like a rock to be chipped, refined, and polished into a glorious cyrstal with each experience made possible through a chosen path, either directly or indirectly. Each portion of the journey an unveiling of Spirit.

SHE   Brings forth her Divinity from within, and with it the wisdom from whence she came.  As old as creation itself, the information will encourage, enlighten, nourish, and prosper her life and the lives of those who surround her that may remain trapped in their own darkness.  The ability to navigate in darkness and bring forth beauty is why she is questioned by observers, yet she continues to manifest outcomes and persevere. 

SHE   Learns to hold space for souls who seek purpose in Being authentic.  With her voice, she will put forth truth and wisdom from the place of the Divine Channel.  Her words will be like salt and light for those who are young in their Spirit journey.  Her presence will act as a mirror casting an image of themselves, not to be perceived as punishment that ego may present, but an opportunity for Spirit to engage their personal soul growth, unlocking the potential and connection to Divine within. 

SHE   Will not waiver from her unique truth and will be courageous, conscious, and confident on her path.  Her lessons have taught her to enter the Sacred place of the Divine within to look at those things that hold her back from authenticity and stand within the fire and burn, this is how she can cleanse and move the energy into a rebirth. She isn’t afraid to feel the heat and pain as it seeks to produce a deeper innerstanding and perspective of truth every time she steps into it.  As a result, she will face all her demons that are presented and live with the knowledge they will provide in that place deep within.  She will learn to love without judgment, as she knows how scars hold the power to transform.

SHE   Will connect to infinite worlds within through her breath, where magic and mystery unite.  Her visions within will create landscapes for herself and others to explore without judgment and learn and develop the power of Divine within.   Each present, conscious moment in this world will guide and soften her actions over time.  It will allow her the ability to develop the gifts and fuel the purpose of Being multidimensional, a soul observer experiencing a human journey and all it holds.  She will learn to travel between worlds and bridge consciousness for others who are willful and seeking.  She innerstands the finite and the infinite must remain in balance, and searches for ways to bring it into Being.

SHE   Will shed tears of joy, anger, pain, victory, success, love and loss over the years that will create ripples through time space, creating a flood to cleanse the toxic and artificial while giving nourishment to new growth.  Balance will be restored where division and destruction were forced.  Human-kind will be shown abundance and prosperity through her example of conscious, creative living.

SHE   Is wild, and free, and expressive, and BE-You-tiful.

SHE   Is.