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Aurora and New Beginnings

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The Bond that Binds

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12/12, Time to Project

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

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Making Sense of Yester Year

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Finding Courage to Bring Balance

In the process of reaching Self Mastery, we are continuously faced with lessons leading us back to internal critiques of self. It is wise to approach this critique with mercy, grace, compassion, and ultimately ‘love’ for ourselves. The direct action of viewing our own shortcomings and/or trauma from a place of self-love enables us to identify and transform (alchemize) before we project them unto others. There are subtleties and nuances around how we access our sub-conscious thoughts and behaviors, so it helps to have a conscious alchemy “tool kit.”

To grow, shift, and change our Being, we must dig deep and find courage to face our shortcomings/trauma, even if they are not of our own making. We task ourselves with a second step in mastery which is forgiveness, first of self (remembering mercy, grace, and compassion,) and then others in the same manner. Choosing to go this path is a brave one when so many humans merely exist without any awareness of their conscious tool kit. I refer to this as ‘autopilot’ mode, the default operating system within the body that responds to shortcomings/trauma, in all sorts of forms and can be quite dangerous. From unhealthy self talk, to coping addictions, to causing external verbal, psychological, and physical harm to others, unconscious living has risks with unknown variables and if extreme patterns continue, the individuals often a significantly more painful experience to draw them out of the pattern entirely. Those who are conscious of patterns, and the pain of shortcomings/trauma often make an effort to not consciously harm others, afflicting pain directly on themselves instead. It is the lowest of the vibrational energy forms and, if not recognized, may result in ending ones own life.

Now, I don’t wish to take people down a path of despair, I wish to inspire and empowering individuals to know they are loved by a Divine Creator, and regardless of their issues, recognition patterns and behaviors so they can heal themselves. I think it is important to know there are common misconceptions humans may have around this ‘critiquing’ of ones own shortcomings and trauma. Much ‘collective’ judgment exists around common historical terms like ‘evil’ and ‘sin’ in relation to our human faults. I will point out that although I was raised Catholic, and explored Christianity my entire life, I consider myself a child of the Divine, and will forever hold Christ’s teachings deep within my being but I believe there is more to the “truths” many of us were force fed through memorizing doctrine. It is important to note Christ lived in a time where a hierarchy of masculine entities sought to control reality out of fear and that his life and teachings were to provide Extra-Worldly Higher Guidance direct from the Divine Source, whereas priests and holy men held worldly views. Christ was against the worldly teachings and sought to unite through Love. His teachings were given in Aramaic, and in His culture and language ‘these terms ‘evil’ and ‘sin’ quite literally meant to miss the target or mark because it was in reference to archery, and in Hebrew ‘sin’ means “missing the mark.” “Missing the mark” in life’s causes a separation from the course of Love you set on with Divine, however, it is the judgment of the human precipitating the guilt and shame. Trusting the Divine Source of Love is unending and provides the courage to face all challenges which arise on our human journey and our dedication to correct the path of the ‘missed marks’ through forgiveness, mercy, grace, and compassion are all that are needed to heal anything in this lifetime and for generations to come.

A daily practice of energetically checking in with Divine Source and our human vessel will serve as part of the conscious ‘tool kit,’ and includes any or all of the following; prayer time, meditation, mantras, creative expression, nature observation, physical exercise and so much more. In particular, I will focus on a meditative practice walking through our energy centers located directly within our human body, the Chakra Channel. Becoming attuned to the vibration and frequencies in each of your body’s systems and connecting (plugging it into your emotional and spiritual bodies, as well) to Divine Source to discern where you are ‘missing the mark.’

I have attached a downloadable PDF meditation to use as a tool for checking in with yourself. I will update and add an audio file in the future. For more information on the Chakra system and how it can provide insight into your wellbeing, stay tuned to my blog posts and social media sites for posts linked to evolution and expansion of your Human, your Spirit, and your Soul!

As always, BE well and…”In all you say and all you do, simply BE authentically YOU! ~ Tammy

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As Within, So Without

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Authentic Expression

What is Authentic Expression? What does it mean to be authentic? As humans continue on an evolutionary path, we see a wide collective expression of personalities vying for a place at Earth’s table. It may be a struggle to innerstand not living the authentic expression of yourself affects the entirety of humanity.

It may seems as if there is a holding pattern pausing life, attempting to find purpose as we navigate this realm. Many of us have identified programming and conditions of society that impact our reality and at one time created our reality unconsciously. Those who take the necessary steps to identify and move through programming can consciously rewrite or create their script, yet others remain content living in ever looping programs and bypassing unresolved circumstances or internal challenges which create the victimhood status they revolve in.

The choice is up to each of us to revolve or evolve, . Resolution of personal trauma, whether it is based in this lifetime, or traveled through ancestral DNA, directly coded in our genes, opens our hearts and minds to this authenticity of Spirit and expression from this identifying TRUTH. Truth is no more than our fully embodied self encompassing mind, body, and consciousness. It takes great courage to face the shadows and evolve, and in facing mine, I’ve released information and knowledge that wasn’t available previously in my state of consciousness. Even more mind blowing is the experience of becoming an observer of our own life, an active participant with increased knowledge of the realm in which we reside. Multi-dimensional aspect of energy holding consciousness in a highly magnificent physical body made up of intricate systems of some 70+ trillion cells all working in harmony (or not) to create our experiences. Miraculous and beautifully created, supported, and guided by the greatest of loves.

The extreme lack of self love contributes to the increasing amount of depression and self harm that is prevalent in our world. Diagnosis of mental health issues are often related to the trauma in the heart, which science has proven to more powerful, and the driving force of the mind. Trauma will disempower a human and relegate the mind to the simplest of operating systems, fight or flight, with very little function if this is an ongoing existence. Humans need to be shocked, if you will, out of this state, most often a life changing event. PTSD is spoken about , but not recognized collectively as the root to most trauma based coping mechanisms, yet getting to the ROOT of the stress is often masked by pharmaceuticals or other get better quick antidotes offering momentary solutions. Empowering through the use of the Creative Self and engaging the brain outside of it’s fight or flight, is one of the best therapies I have uncovered in my own Shadow work. Going through emotions and actually processing them, rather than identifying as them is healing.

Creativity, no matter what form it takes, has the distinct ability to ‘bring us back to ourselves.’ I am finding as a Reiki Master, Color Therapist, and Intuitive life coach, people are searching but they don’t always know exactly what it is they seek, and I do believe it to be the lost aspects of themselves or their ancestors where unresolved trauma still remains. I still do sessions with myself daily in gratitude for the results I have achieved and now wish to share with others.

BEcome the observer of your life. Flow through emotions without attachment, but recognize where they are coming from and work through a resolution in some physical form. It can be physical movement, getting out in nature, gardening, playing music, drawing, journaling, and the list goes on and on. It must be physical to refocus the brain into the creative, rather than logical self, be prepared to experience peace, and joy, and laughter once again.

Be brave, YOU are worthy and loved, now evolve! ~Tammy

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Worthy, Divine and Feminine

Why has the Feminine aspect of our being been pushed aside and even distorted in the world today? 

Without a strong connection to Creator/Source/God, which is readily available within every soul who exists as a human, we tend to operate in the very masculine energy of self-serving gratification promoted in society. We lack the internal balance of feminine energy that provides us endless creativity and the ability to develop and utilize emotional intelligence. We function as a diminished being, void of direction and integration of our multi-dimensionality.  We become weak, hardened, bitter, lackluster, and often ill willed in our human lives.  We seek personal gratification and coping mechanisms in spite of facing our demons and learning from them.  Innerstanding is developed, discernment is gained, creativity is replenished, and manifestation becomes possible when we pause in our life to find deeper meaning. Essentially, faith in something larger than ourself allowing us to develop courage, and pause in reactionary moments to look at our experience as an observer of the experience, rather than the experience itself. 

WE ARE worthy, we have been told this time and time again, and we’ve also lived in a world of chaos, division and hate.  All we need to do is re-member and embrace our worthiness.

Enjoy and be inspired by a re-collection of my journey, “SHE.”

Goddess of Mother Earth 12″ x 24″


SHE   Is born out of darkness into earthly awareness.  In an instant given her place in the hierarchy of humanity, decided upon by outside forces until she recovers her crown and establishes her roots.

SHE   Holds an imprint of the generations that walked before her.  An image written in her DNA, of past lifetimes and contracts.  As she travels her journey her beauty is slowly revealed like a rock to be chipped, refined, and polished into a glorious cyrstal with each experience made possible through a chosen path, either directly or indirectly. Each portion of the journey an unveiling of Spirit.

SHE   Brings forth her Divinity from within, and with it the wisdom from whence she came.  As old as creation itself, the information will encourage, enlighten, nourish, and prosper her life and the lives of those who surround her that may remain trapped in their own darkness.  The ability to navigate in darkness and bring forth beauty is why she is questioned by observers, yet she continues to manifest outcomes and persevere. 

SHE   Learns to hold space for souls who seek purpose in Being authentic.  With her voice, she will put forth truth and wisdom from the place of the Divine Channel.  Her words will be like salt and light for those who are young in their Spirit journey.  Her presence will act as a mirror casting an image of themselves, not to be perceived as punishment that ego may present, but an opportunity for Spirit to engage their personal soul growth, unlocking the potential and connection to Divine within. 

SHE   Will not waiver from her unique truth and will be courageous, conscious, and confident on her path.  Her lessons have taught her to enter the Sacred place of the Divine within to look at those things that hold her back from authenticity and stand within the fire and burn, this is how she can cleanse and move the energy into a rebirth. She isn’t afraid to feel the heat and pain as it seeks to produce a deeper innerstanding and perspective of truth every time she steps into it.  As a result, she will face all her demons that are presented and live with the knowledge they will provide in that place deep within.  She will learn to love without judgment, as she knows how scars hold the power to transform.

SHE   Will connect to infinite worlds within through her breath, where magic and mystery unite.  Her visions within will create landscapes for herself and others to explore without judgment and learn and develop the power of Divine within.   Each present, conscious moment in this world will guide and soften her actions over time.  It will allow her the ability to develop the gifts and fuel the purpose of Being multidimensional, a soul observer experiencing a human journey and all it holds.  She will learn to travel between worlds and bridge consciousness for others who are willful and seeking.  She innerstands the finite and the infinite must remain in balance, and searches for ways to bring it into Being.

SHE   Will shed tears of joy, anger, pain, victory, success, love and loss over the years that will create ripples through time space, creating a flood to cleanse the toxic and artificial while giving nourishment to new growth.  Balance will be restored where division and destruction were forced.  Human-kind will be shown abundance and prosperity through her example of conscious, creative living.

SHE   Is wild, and free, and expressive, and BE-You-tiful.

SHE   Is.


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2020 Vision?

Are you still searching for a purpose? Do you wonder how to navigate this incredible chaos we have been witnessing for months now? It has been chaotic for decades, we have grown accustomed to a life of fight or flight. A life of forced consent to mass influence and malicious leadership, picking the”lesser of 2 evils.” To systems that seem to be designed to divide our world by labels and judgement. To adhering to personal beliefs in spite of the nasty criticism. To questioning our own morals and values based on a scale that seems to be going backwards. You are not alone, I too, felt like this. It is time to be heard. It is a time to share. It is a time to be compassionate and careful not to judge one against the other. It is a communion of souls who are tired of working for a common goal that doesn’t align with their beliefs and truths. I can tell you this will fall by the wayside when you engage your uniqueness. That is why I have used the term Be-You-tiful for years now. It is important to love and find that beauty within. See, the thing is, you are not meant to be like the others. You have your own light to shine for humanity. You ARE called for more. I will be posting more regularly about this. This is my calling, to share what I’ve been receiving in prayer and meditation for years, and have only understood those messages for the past few months. It is time to step into your own, Be-you-tiful Ones, open your eyes and do not fear anymore!

I had a glimmer of my truth in 2017. At a time when many of my immediate family members were not with me here on Earth and I spent time wondering, what now? I had utilized my energy outwardly for so many years, since my early twenties, on everyone else that I simply lost touch with me. So many of us are on this hamster wheel of life without much regard for the “why.” Much of humanity is searching for a purpose, a love, a truth to hold on to and sustain. It is without a doubt in the teachings of Christianity that I learned to engage in a life of love and light. Systems beyond our control have been attempting, and succeeding in many cases, to hijack our ability to access our higher consciousness. Systems set in place thousands of years ago that are still rooted among us. Make no doubt that when you discover the ability exists within yourself to seek the One who designed this higher spirit within your human existence, you will experience love, be joyful and experience a peace like no other. It is within that search you will discover your calling and your truth.

To break it down simply, think about the first thing all of us on Earth experienced when we left our mother’s body for the first time. Breath. We inhale our surroundings. This very practice brings you to the only place you need to search for. That Love that created you (Whether you believe that to be your parents, specifically, or you extend it to God/Higher Source/Creator) is accessible from within. It is our responsibility to go within and discover the very person we were created to be. Not that of which our upbringing, surroundings or circumstances added to the blueprint of our life. Those are all additional traits.

To explain this in a simpler manner I will reference a game. The designer (Creator) has determined the main goal of the game. That designer may have associates whose job it is to develop certain aspects of the game (i.e. demographic, theme, character development, etc). Further the game design by the influence of the characters. What the character personality is, what their agenda/goal is, what tools or special ‘powers’ they may have, all providing influence in how a person navigates the game. Now the player has ability to choose their character which often comes with a preset program and navigate the game with those skills and level up by performing specific tasks. We can view this as our childhood, the basis of how we begin to view our surroundings and adapt within the confines of the protection or lack thereof in that current environment with parents/guardians, close family members, perhaps religious affiliations and friends of family. All a relatively small circle of influence

Now the next level in the game would represent elementary school age where we are exposed to new surroundings and new people of influence and peers. We learn to navigate a new space developing new skills along the way. Much of life programming at this time is social skills within the confines of a regimented space with still small circles of influence. Expanding our person in developing cognitive and coping skills based on personal and external judgement of that which we are engaged in. Enter standardized testing, “grading” based on peer development and averages, none of which promote personal growth from a place within, its mostly exterior by this point. (Ever wonder why children seem to fall short, perhaps we can view the system as putting them in a position with lack of understanding the actual systems that are in place.

The first few levels of the game are pretty basic, following a preset program and maybe adding a special tool or power along the way. Let’s, for example, say that you come from a home where there is ongoing responsibility and social activity. You have learned new skills to navigate the predetermined program in the game and can level up faster than your friend who may not have the same types of skills. Is this a “bad thing?” Is it fair to “judge” yourselves equally? In this circumstance, I think most people would say they would not place judgment, just understand that there is a difference between individuals upbringing and circumstances. Some may even go so far as to extend this knowledge or special skill to their friend to help them advance. Human nature is that of love, understanding and expansion of those skills.

Moving onto “level 6 or 7.” This is where most children would enter the middle school age or ‘tween’ years. More independence is sought as skills grow and change. Now, in the game you can choose to complete “special tasks” to advance your characters skills even further. In life this may be youth groups, sports, music, organizations such as “Scouts” or “4-H” (in my mid-west communities), community organizations, etc. All of these would develop specific sets of skills further ‘advancing’ ones character that will change the way you play the game and ultimately, the outcome of the game. We can start to understand the perspective that societal differences may significantly play a role in how we develop skill sets. This doesn’t make it right or wrong, we just play the game with the skills we have. We maintain the ability to share with peers how to navigate the game with our skills, it simply becomes more difficult as we age to do this as our game course is established, in a sense, and we may have to undo a task/s and reapply the new skill knowledge to promote more quickly in the game.

I’m going to interject some thoughts at this point for you to ponder till my next blog post that will continue on this subject. Can you start to see a trend in how our Creator had the best intentions for us at the very start, but how quickly entering this world puts us in a place of influence out of our control? As I continue on this topic, you may further understand the analogy of the game. It is very clear to me that I’ve been chosen/anointed/blessed with gifts of artistic spiritual expression and a voice the ability to open hearts by sharing using both of these sacred gifts from the Divine. I expect my gifts to be different from yours, as we are all unique. We all have our own truths creating millions of them worldwide. Embracing that difference and knowing we all are correct in our own truths is a result of trusting the process of listening to the Creator. Once we acknowledge our gifts from the Divine we can access how to acquire the skills necessary for carrying out our purpose in humanity.

Peace and Blessings to all you Be-You-tiful humans, I love you where you are at. ~ Tammy

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Green Flash

It’s 6 O’Clock on what I think is Monday.  Both my girls are back to being freshman today.  (One in high school and one in college.)  Our new normal has brought insight to each of us as we navigate our days together; schedules aren’t necessarily parallel, but we’re making it work.

My brain is in overdrive and I’m struggling to manifest ideas into reality.   My in-house makeshift studio table has officially cluttered the space between our music/sitting and dining rooms with loads of “essentials” and mediums (from my studio) for small journal work, Acrylic April and mixed media playtime.  It has been my outlet space for now.  The word prompts for AA are producing introspective work, albeit they are only 8″x 8.”  Even with all of this, I cannot completely immerse myself in the process; the distractions are abundant which try my focus.  This week I WILL venture to my studio (In a building we own 30 minutes away) to get messy! I’m hoping it will help sort out the brain clutter a bit.

FORD_01_Flash at DuskDawn
“Green Flash at Dawn/Dusk”,  12″ x 24″,  Original $285

My artwork is very emotionally driven, so all of this Covid chaos surrounding us has really affected me more than normal.  Over the years I’ve learned to use meditation, stretching and deep breathing for focus.  I go for a walk or bike ride to sort out my thoughts, sometimes listen to classical music hoping to clear out my head, yet there is an underlying feeling that I cannot seem to extract no matter what I do.  It is troublesome not understanding what and why it’s out of reach.

It is taking quite a bit of time getting my online store up and functional.  I will update it with prints soon and streamline how it shows.  What a learning process!  The good news is I will be able to use that knowledge for my hubby’s business, as well.

I wish you all a wonderful Monday evening, may it be spent doing what you love to do.  Stay safe, wash your hands and get creating (that goes for me, too)!!!

Art HUGS to all you be-you-tiful peeps!  ~Tammy



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Covid-19, WHAT??

April is Earth month and here we are three weeks into “Safer at Home” orders from the WI state governor, how am I holding up in this new surreal world?  Let me share…

It took 25 years to realize what my calling is in this world and I left a 20 year career in Dec. 2018 to focus on building an art business.  I was determined to succeed and followed my passion.  Now I have to ‘temporarily halt’ my business growth.  (Don’t even get me started on the fact that a majority of my former colleagues and friends are forced out of work as hairstylists, nail techs, esthiticians, massage therapists for the duration of this.)

I am free to create with the amount of supplies (I haven’t needed to order anything because I stocked up over winter preparing and creating for all the spring, summer and fall shows), yet the Cultural places, theaters and many business where my work can be exhibited, displayed and sold are now closed, some concerned they may not open to the capacity they were because they are non profit.  This keeps my work to an online viewing audience that is momentarily captivated by ALL that is COVID-19 related.  Moments of guilt come over me regarding what I do as being valid or essential, then I realize without the arts (musicians, writers, actors, illustrators, creator of all sorts of fine art) society’s extraordinary events would go without a view from those who have experienced them.  Those who have lived and felt can emote something intangible into something tangible.  Our work is MORE important right now than ever to record how humanity views this pandemic!  Stories need to be heard and shared.

I live in the suburban mid-west.  Small town raised, we say ‘HI’ to everyone, wave and chat.  Now I walk into a store and encounter people with their heads down, glancing yet avoiding eye contact.  If you cough, sneeze or walk too close to someone it could warrant a sneer or death stare..  Families (including those who may be single parent households) are told one person, over the age of 16, should shop for the entire family.  Temperatures are being taken at big box stores and blue tape arrows designate direction and X’s mark safe distance in line.  Limited quantities of items are enforced because people cannot seem to police themselves and are hoarding irrational amounts of items.  Heaven forbid you have a family of 5 or more, and have to explain why you need more than 2 loaves of bread, 2 dozen eggs, and 2 pounds of ground chuck.  Dairy farmers are being told by cooperatives to dump milk and produce less; there is an overabundance and they can only make so much cheese with the excess.  Fresh food is available, yet fear of a proper process to safely clean it creates fear around buying it.  Toilet paper might as well be currency, I watched people at a local store load up entire SUV’s full of it three short weeks ago.  (Secretly, I hope it was for a group home or assisted living facility, but I’m doubtful.  I’m grateful to have a system to maintain certain quantities of designated items in our household, and replenish as needed.)

Then there is the stay home, only work if you’re essential.  Who’s essential, you ask?  Well, a whole lot more than you would think, yet not enough.  (This is a good time to pay attention to all ‘necessary’ areas of our lives and realize the importance of those that make it possible.)  Travel isn’t essential, yet we will lift fees for the state parks and trails so you can use that space to get out and be active.  Don’t use any equipment though or sit on a bench, throw a ball or frisbee, that isn’t considered safe social distancing, nevermind you’ve told us sunshine kills the virus on surfaces.  Do drive like fools without regard for others who are sharing the roadways with you because you think you are above the law and they won’t bother coming after you.  Limit your time on social medial, but use Facetime, Zoom and Google hangouts for connecting to others from your home.  Stay active and take a nap.  My head is spinning from the never ending barrage of contradictory information being thrown at us daily.

I’ve resorted to obscene behaviors in my household I never thought I’d be doing.  Sanitizing everything, alot! Having “house only” clothes and “going out for essential trips” clothes that go right into the wash upon entering our home, showers when returning from work or the store.  (I’ve not been wearing PJ’s and maintained regular attire during the day, but I cannot say that I haven’t accidentally slept in those clothes after binge watching something on Netflix)  I’ve not started wearing gloves or a mask when I go out simply because I may require some serious anti-depressants to deal with anymore of this chaos.

In a nut shell, many of us are NOT FINE and I finally am able to share that fact.  We will do the best we can to deal with the ever changing situational day to day events and even those things that may affect us for a lifetime.  Some we can control, but most we cannot.  Stay as safe as you know how to.  Take time to share with others how you feel.  We need validation from each other to make it through this epic time.

Look for some interesting art and images when this is all done.

April is Earth month, and I still want to support by donating 50% of the sale of “Making Ripples” to the “Alliance for the Great Lakes.” FORD_02_Making Ripples

Visit my store or message me if you are interested in purchasing.

Big ART hugs to all you be-you-tiful people and thanks for clicking and sharing, you’re the best!


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As I rest up today, recovering from the Holiday’s and all it had to offer including sickness, I’m perplexed and unsure of my next move once again. Last year was full of firsts allowing this year with a few less surprises of its own.

There is an urgency in stepping out blindly and pursuing success on your own. It is imperative to be curious, ask questions and seek answers from those qualified to give it yet I am uncertain if there is a “specific” way to accomplish that. Often I end up with more questions requiring more research. Truly my curiosity for the knowledge surrounding a topic often hinders my progress.

This is my second year applying for the Banbury Art Crawl right here in Eau Claire, WI. It runs the first weekend in February and they’ve confirmed that emails will go out this week with the approx 100 featured artisans. I’m excited, nervous and apprehensive at this prospective venture. I believe that if I am not accepted this year, it gives me opportunity to really move forward with my work and have even more experience with booths, etc. Yet again, it is a great way to network and meet others who are successful, promote myself right here in the Chippewa Valley and learn even more. So in the meantime, I wait…

Other opportunities for shows and exhibitions are out there that I haven’t pursued and will do so this year. I remain a rather unknown artist at this point and know that with determination and learning through failure, the right avenue for my work will reveal itself.

Friends and family took time to like, comment, ask about and share my art which makes me exceedingly grateful and I’ve vowed to promote other small businesses (many of which happen to be female led) in that same way. Offering “classes” still has me perplexed. With so many local “paint and sip” options available, my goal is not to compete but offer those who are wishing to improve skills or creativity the opportunity for growth and currently I’m developing lessons around specific skills. Additionally, I’d love to be available for those who may be searching for a creative emotional outlet. If you ever have questions or if you wish to spend time in the studio with me and paint, I will absolutely make time for you and if I can’t answer or help, I’ll certainly point you in a direction to find what you’re looking for!!

Any way I view it, 2020 looks to like another exciting and challenging year in this artists life! My desire to inspire and touch more souls this year is in full motion!!!!

Happy arting to all you Be-You-tiful peeps. Tammy and the ART studio

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Believing is also an action

When you arrive at a destination, did you believe you would arrive? Most often we simply go without anything more than a thought. That is the absolute process in which I started this art journey.

I was diligent in positive affirmation as a way to promote ‘believing’ in my dream, although I didn’t quite believe it would actually happen. I merely set out on a mission of action with a notion of what could be possible. I spent day after day putting in hours of work, research, education and following through with a set up. I felt kind of like a hamster on a wheel with no real destination. It was unclear.

This is my exact point. Sometimes we don’t know where we are going until we end up there! I would encourage you to keep to the course and go though struggles, because for me it was in those struggles that the realization of what needed to happen fell into place. I really learned to HEAR what direction I was to go and opportunity seemed to appear as if out of nowhere. I am certain that is where the believing actually materialized and now I continue to listen and follow through.

Making mistakes and learning which pitfalls to avoid is absolutely part of the process. It’s not all rainbows and sunshine, it’s a whole lot of grind, angst and fear that when persevered results in great victory! I am living my dream and believe it will foster others to live theirs. Just BELIEVE.

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SLOW down, a bit!

Currently I’m telling myself to slow down as I rush around taking kids to appointments and commitments, helping organize and attend art events, get work ready to sell and continue to work on my goal of 100 pieces of art.  (I think I am in the ballpark of 75 now!)  Tuesday night amidst a Menard’s run, my husband and I attempted to take some much needed down time; while he is also busy cultivating the expansion of his business.  Hopefully we will get some tonight, as well.  Drive time seems to give us the best opportunity to discuss current life events and work out future plans.

I recently discovered a wonderful training resource for artists to help them grow emotionally, and although I’ve been following along with others’ creations, I’ve yet to finish any of the creative lessons to completion.  (See paragraph above)  It certainly has set my mind in motion as to a direction that I wish to pursue for the studio space.  (HINT: it will involve mixed media and creating art from memorabilia-good, bad or otherwise!)  My desire to help others as they deal with grief and raw emotion in a positive way, I believe is getting a foothold.  Each time I give myself quiet reflective time, the vision becomes more clear of what it is I need to do.

I continue to pursue avenues for selling my original art and getting my work out into this great big world.  It is taking up more time currently than I have time for, lol.  All good things come to those who wait, they say.  Slowly these opportunities are coming at me, now I need to navigate which are the best choices for audience and personal lifestyle!!

This brings me to an update on the studio situation.  It continues to be a project that is getting very little of my current time.  I am fixated on an opening date of Spring 2019!  I’ll be more diligent about posting updates between this blogsite and my Facebook page, TJF ART studio.  Live updates, and short studio time videos are happening more often; I’m just figuring out how to use all of this social media most effectively!

I look forward to being at the “Ladies Day” event at the Edge Pub and Eatery on November 17th from 11-4 with some new paintings and prints of some of my popular ones!

Thanks for stopping by and

Happy fall, y’all!!!